Belt conveyor system
A belt conveyor system consists of an endless belt of resilient material
connected between two flat pulleys and moved by rotating one of the
pulleys by electric motor. Normally material is fed on the belt near the
other end pulley. The moving belt carrying the material towards the
driver pulley is likely to sag between the two end pulleys due to its
self weight and pay load. That is why the belt is supported both on the
carrying side and the return side by a number of rollers, called the
idlers. As the belt is always under tension, it is prone to elongation
resulting in slackness over the pulleys and loss of tension and power.
That is why some kind of device for tensioning the belt is incorporated
in the system. This tensioning device is known as take up arrangement.
The system is inherently very simple.
Belt conveyors have attained a dominant position in transporting bulk
materials due to a number of inherent advantages like the economy and
safety of operation, reliability and practically numerous processing
functions while supporting a continuous flow of material between
operations. Low labour and low energy requirements are fundamental with
belt conveyors as compared with other means of transportation. The
reliability of belt conveyors has been proved over decades and in every
industry. Belt conveyors are environmentally more acceptable than other
means of transport. They neither neither pollutes the air nor deafens
the ears. Conveying of a wide variety of materials is possible with belt
conveyor, and belt conveyors are capable of transporting at a hourly
rate much in excess of any practical requirement. Belt conveyors can
deliver materials at a great distance from the loading point covering
all odd terrain.
2017-03-17 13:37:13